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The dataset contains measurements of the frontal variations of sample Italian glaciers monitored by Italian Glaciological Committee (CGI). Monitored glaciers are located in the Alpine chain (ca 300 glacial bodies) and in the Central Apennine (1). Source of data is based primarily on glaciological surveys coordinate by CGI and published in peer-reviewed journals or in WGMS publications (e.g., CGI, 1914–1977 and 1978–2011; Baroni et al., 2012, 2013,2014, 2015, 2016; WGMS 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and earlier issues). Dataset are organized in tabular form within a spreadsheet to allow a verification of the data and a subsequent construction of the relative time-distance curves (T-D curves). For each monitored glacier are furnished glacier name and inventory ID (according to CGI, WGI and WGMS) and geographic location. Metadata of common attributes of glacial resource datasets (GL_NAME, CGI_CODE, WGI_CODE, WGMS_ID, PART, SECTOR, SECT_SUBSEC, SUPERGROUP, GROUP, X_COORD, Y_COORD) are described in "Italian glaciers multitemporal inventory V2".
This archive includes non polar ice cores information from Ortles glacier available in the DISAT GEOMATIC LAB repository. A total of 5 ice cores were taken from 2009 to 2011.
Aerosol backscattering coefficient is measured since March 2014 by using a TSI Nephelomter 3653 (S/N: 3563133901) following ACTRIS/EUSAAR standard operation procedures.
Period in use: July 2012 - November 2014 Product name: Model 205 (#1124DB) Manufacturer: 2B Technologies Period in use: since August 2015 Product name: 49i (#1404860589) Manufacturer: Thermo
The overall dataset is composed of 3605 observations (catches or recaptures) related to two species of micro-mammals (Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus). For each record is given date, species and, when present, identifier and gender. The data were collected over a period of 14 years (1988-1995 & 2000-2005), on a monthly basis and with a significant sampling effort (279 field days).
Period in use: July 2017 - present Product name: Tei 49c (#0503110399) Manufacturer: Thermo
The measurement programme of the CH4 has been run by CESI RICERCA since February 1991 (at beginning by means of biweekly samplings until December 2002 and then by means of continuous measurements since January 2002). The measurements have been stopped from May 2006 to October 2007. Since 2008 the minimum temporal resolution for the mean values is based on hourly averages. NIRA Venus 301 operative since November 2007.
Since January 2015, Thermo 42iTL (s/n: 1432563447). Since 2018, March a photlytic converter (BLC) is used (before Mo converter).
The llatitude of the glacier (in decimal degrees N) is the latitude of the internal centroid of each glacier. Latitude is given to a maximum precision of 3 decimal places The information related to the '50s time step comes from the Inventory of the Italian glaciers edited by CNR-CGI (1959-1962), while for the other time steps (1988-1989, 2006-2007, 2015) is calculate through GIS tools.