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ID number is assigned to the glacier as defined by the WGMS convention The WGI code (or ID) is a 12-character unique glacier identifier. The ID number is assigned to the glacier as defined by the WGMS convention that forms the glacier ID number by combining the five following elements: i) 2-character political unit; ii) 1-digit continent code; iii) 4-character drainage code; iv) 2-digit free position code; v) 3-digit local glacier code. Source: http://nsidc.org/data/docs/noaa/g01130_glacier_inventory/
Field contains the mean slope angle of the glacier surface, calculated considering the max and min elevation respect to maximum lenght. The information related to the '50s time step comes from the Inventory of the Italian glaciers edited by CNR-CGI (1959-1962), while for the other time steps (1988-1989, 2006-2007, 2015) is calculated through GIS techniques.
This database consists of monthly temporal series of cumulated precipitation over the 1951-2012 period for any box of dimension 30 arc-second x 30 arc-second over the Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino National Park. The database has been realized with the anomaly method, based on the assumption that the spatio-temporal structure of the signal of a meteorological variable over a specific area can be described by the superimposition of two fields: the normals over a given reference period (i.e. the climatologies) and the departures from them (i.e. the anomalies). The formers are strongly linked to the geographical features of the territory and they can manifest remarkable spatial gradients. The most relevant aspect for their description is the availability of high-density observational dataset integrated by interpolation methods which describe the relationship between the meteorological variable and the physiographical characteristics of the Earth’s surface. Differently, the latter are linked to climate variability and change and they are generally characterized by higher spatial coherence where the priority for their description lies in data quality and in the availability of long records. Data are provided as a direct-access binary file together with the corresponding info file containing the following information: Row 1 longitude resolution (XSTEP) Row 2 latitude resolution (YSTEP) Row 3 number of rows per temporal step (NROWS) Row 4 number of columns (NCOLS) Row 5 no data code (NODATA) Row 6 longitude of the central point of the upper left grid box (ULXCUT) Row 7 latitude of the central point of the upper left grid box (ULYCUT) Row 8 record length in bytes (BANDROWBYTES) Row 9 file name Row 10 starting year Row 11 ending year Row 12 variable type The total number of temporal steps is 744.
The CPC 3772 detects airborne particles with diameter ranging from 10 nm (counting efficiency > 50%) to 3 µm at an aerosol flow rate of 1.0 l/min, over a concentration range from 0 to 104 particles/cm3. The aerosol sample passing through a heated saturator in which butanol is vaporized, then the aerosol sample and alcohol vapour pass into a cooled condenser where the alcohol vapour be comes supersaturated and ready to condense. Particles present in the sample stream serve as condensation nuclei. Once condensation begins, particles that are larger than a threshold diameter grow quickly into larger drop lets and pass through an optical detector where they are counted easily. Observations since 2012 have been supported by ACTRIS FP7 project (2011-2015), ACTRIS-2 H2020 Project (2015-2019) and NextDATA MIUR Project of Interest (2012 - 2018).
Since 2014, March: 43i TLE (Thermo Scientific)
The field contains the longitude of the glacier in decimal degrees East GW. Longitude is given to a maximum precision of 3 decimal places. The information related to the '50s time step comes from the Inventory of the Italian glaciers edited by CNR-CGI (1959-1962), while for the other time steps (1988-1989, 2006-2007, 2015) is calculated through GIS techniques.
Ice Cores taken by NEXTDATA funding. The aim of the NEXTDATA Project - WP2.3, is the implementation of paleo-climatic database of non polar ice core of the word. This archive includes non polar ice core information from NOAA and NICL databases as well as data published in the scientific literature and available in the DISAT GEOMATIC LAB repository. For each core, drilling site, altitude, core length, year, data source holder name, drilling methodology are archived. For cores analyzed and reported in previous publications, paleo-climatic proxies (physical, chemical data characterization) are also provided.
Dataset containing available time series of annual and multi-annual mass balance measurements for monitored Italian glaciers.
Field contains the mean orientation of the accumulation area of the glacier, centered on cardinal points (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, and NE). This data is facultative. The information related to the '50s time step comes from the Inventory of the Italian glaciers edited by CNR-CGI (1959-1962), while for the other time steps (1988-1989, 2006-2007, 2015) is defined through GIS techniques.
This archive includes non polar ice cores information from European glaciers available in the DISAT GEOMATIC LAB repository. A total of 7 different perforation site were investigated to recover 38 ice cores from 1973 to 2012